20. Mai 2013

Playing with Boobz Size - Kruxena

Kinda tricky 2 get it work in game but I can manage almost everything. Tho Turan bewbz are always bugged when shown in game, gotta play around with it sum more.

11. Mai 2013

Mod still working, tho...

I just installed Requiem again after quite a while and so my mod. So yea, it's still working but out of date regarding in-game content. Hence newly added gear and costumes cannot be displayed in game with my mod and this may cause crashing when it comes to loading new stuff. Yea, I'm aware of that, but all this will be updated don't worry. With sum luck the new gear could just be shown invisible or it's blacken out instead of a crash depending where you are.

The old known texture bug, when it comes to pink gear parts in game this is unfixable for me atm. Just have patience and restart game if the bug is still up redo it until it's fixed if it annoys you that badly. For sum it happends permanently and for other just partially or by random and even for a few it rarely happens. It's all up to your connection speed or PC specs, the latter of which I rather doubt it'd matter.

Nevertheless I'm trying to hang on that again and will pull out a 1.25 version for it some day. At first it's more important that the mod gets updated with the new gear in game and other content which affects my nude mod.

6. Mai 2013

Where are all the peeps?

I haven't logged in since a couple months, right now I'm first time through facebook. And OMG this game's got quite empty. I slightly remember Alteris told us that the community was having an increasing player base in game. Fiddlesticks! How many ppl in game now? Like below 100 for sure, LOL. Pardon but this is discouraging. All I see are broken guilds, a bunch of lonely dudes from different guilds afking around in Alban, shop open. Not even fun enough 2 PK anyone. Anyways, tomorrow or so I'll be installing game again and test my mod see if it's still working.