23. Juli 2013

Looking For A Twink Guild

Yeah, or any other guild with people who occasionally play but it should be active :) I assume twink guilds are kind of like that. My toon name is Caye 69 SR, mail me in game or whisper, thanx ;)

22. Juli 2013

Sum Statistics

Thanks to all the support and feedback. Seems it's actually the only real working one for Requiem, lul.
My blog went live on September 8th, 2012 so along ten months apart from the relative small playerbase in the Requiem community, it has gained quite a high popularity ;D

588 people using this mod (guess client users)
25,766 times blog has been visited
  • 6,408 times visited from USA
  • 2,428 times from Germany
  • 1,948 times Russia
  • 1,021 times Canada
Other countries in the top10 are Thailand, Poland, Korea, Brasilia, France and UK.
Also the trailer on YT was being watched now for 10,248 times as you can see for yourself.

12. Juli 2013

No Mod Version For Facebook

Yeah... no time for building another. Recently, people keep asking me if there'll be a FB version. I see that the community on Nova server is big enough to invest a mod for it - But if they want 2 get my mod working badly then use the client. Open NotePad and type the following:
Requiem.exe -FromLauncher 0/0 0 0 1 3 0 and save it as nova_server.cmd. Put that file in the system folder of Requiem, click it.

No time to invest in figuring how it works with a webclient, lul. From what I see the content will always be synchronized through the Kalydo player with the server, so it's hard 2 manipulate. If it looks up a file version on your hard drive which is inexistent on the server, this likely will have been overwritten since it's realtime.
If anybody is willing to take this part then do so. You may also like 2 request it in sum modding communities just as GVZ or squint down here on the right column there is a list of links.