A bit late but still, happy new year.
Got sum stuff to tell. I know sum of the team Mods or GMs/CMs watching my site 2 so here is what you have to know about.
Whether I retexture DDS in a more revealing kinky way or just alter gear, nobody has to accept fan-made stuff. Fact is the own fun by that since it's just a mod, isn't it? ;) Fortunately we got sum really awsum creative users whose works are way better than those awfully recolored gears made by the team. I envision myself as a part of a bunch of keen users who spends time in customizing Requiem for more fun. So if a few of you disagree simply don't use our mods :) Trolls that look like they don't give a damn still act incredulously or envy our awesum stuff. But after all in reality they download my mod either way just to jerk off LOL ;)
Requiem is an awsum game, it's just in hands of a sorry to say "lame" company. Don't have to count up all the bad stuff what they've done but the point is we creative users are willing to make more fun of it by creating mods like THIS. So let us doing it or do you want to see more leaving game. I even have lured sum back to game and playing with this awsum mod. Better than awfully fucking up the game like you do ;) /rant off
Now read this Official Retexturing Thread Official or not, as we know months back free texture modding seems 2 be allowed. There was a contest in which users could show their model texture modifications in the official thread suggested by the team themselves. According to Sakana's statement, he indeed did receive a go from the GMs to do so. If we aspire after the maximum of fun the team shall let us do what we want as long as it's allowed. After all it's lucrative what we're doing :) For us and for you(yeah the team that's prolly leaking my site). Consider it being a way of last improvements for a dying game my fellow gentlemen.
Anyways, there was once a rant of sum guy that had put it on YouTube below my trailer. This post is an answer to him, I deleted his post there tho. But I bet everyone could imagine how his rant looked like.
Nude textures is partially an exclusive feature in my mod but I've done more customized stuffs than nude. Even though if it's called Requiem Nude Mod cos that is the only mod atm. It's all about retexturing and in future there'll be more retextured sexy outfits for the other races besides Turan and even other retextured stuff. You may check this old post for more info. Might as well rename my project soon to indicate in the public that NUDITY will be only a minimal part of my mods in future :)
But I have to announce that I gotta slow down with the work on it for now since life is distracting.
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